Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Premiere Orlando Day 2

The Première Orlando show officially started today. As I arrived, throngs of people poured out of shuttle buses and entered the venue. The orchestrated chaos of the day before had transformed to excitement as attendees clamored to see as many new products and attend as many classes as possible in two days. (There are over 180 classes to choose from, and that’s just the hair portion of the show; there are even more classes for skin care, nails, and so much more.) Countless stages showcased the latest trends and the most amazing big, beautiful hair styles nonstop. Though I wanted to experience the show’s sensory overload in all its glory, I committed to being a hair model the day before, so it was off to the prep rooms for me.
The makeshift pipe-and-drape rooms I described yesterday were packed to the gills with models, stylists wielding color bowls, whirring blow dryers and hair spray mist. The stylists who would be doing my demonstration were none other than Rocky McCormick and Joe Anthony Pena. These gentlemen helped raise over $40,000 for a children’s charity on Celebrity Apprentice last month (great job, guys!). When I sat down, I found out I’d not only be getting a haircut, I’d also be getting my hair colored. More specifically, they would be using MY hair to demonstrate highlights over color. Anyone who knows me knows I don’t really care for highlights on myself, but in the spirit of my adventure, I willingly went along with it.
After the base color was prepared, I followed Rocky and Joe through the long crowded halls around hundreds of exhibits to the stage. At this point, my heart was racing faster than the tiny feet of the lizards I dodged on my bike ride two nights ago. I’ve never been onstage before; in fact, I’d do anything to avoid getting up in front of ten people let alone hundreds. I told myself this is something I had to do for this experience; I had to step out of my comfort zone; all I had to do was sit there.
The stage lights blazing, I sat and listened to the demonstration.  Rocky started talking about being inspired. He said he hasn’t been inspired by someone in a long time. Then he put his hand on my shoulder and started to tell the audience how much my trip and my extreme journey to receive more education inspired him.
This was completely unexpected. If I was nervous before about the highlights or being onstage, my nerves were amplified tenfold; my heart was pounding as if it could explode out of my chest at any moment. Though I planned this trip because I needed to be inspired, it felt good to know I inspired someone along the way. (Thank you, Rocky! You inspired me as well!)
After a trip to the prep room for a shampoo and blow dry, it was back to the stage for the haircut. This time another model was on stage with me as Rocky and Joe took turns explaining what they were doing. As I tried to catch a quick glimpse on the big screen of what Joe was doing to my hair, I wondered if I’d have much left by time I left the stage. Thankfully, Joe was very kind; after cutting about four inches and texturing it just how I like it, it turned out GREAT (Thanks, Joe!).
After my fifteen minutes of fame, I could breathe and enjoy the rest of the show (and find the perfect blow dryer I’ve been in search of for months).While weaving in and out of the exhibitor’s booths, I stopped by the Pravana stage to watch Alan Papaleo demonstrate a short textured hair cut. He’s quite impressive to watch and explains everything he’s doing in SUCH detail. As I sat there watching, Vadre, the Pravana educator I met yesterday, pointed out to Alan where I was sitting. He stopped mid-cut and motioned Vadre to bring me on stage. I shook my freshly cut head no as she grabbed my arm and said, “Come on!”
Alan gave a brief summary of who I was and what I was doing, handed me a microphone and asked me to tell everyone about my journey. My knees shaking, my palms sweating, I tried to ignore the crowd, and imagine it was just Alan and I having a one-on-one conversation. That didn’t work. I knew everyone was watching, waiting to hear what I had to say. I honestly can’t even remember what I said (though apparently some universal force is pushing me to overcome my fear of public speaking).
To Rocky Rob Rita and Joe: I spent several hours the past two days learning so much from you. You gave me a lot of great advice not just about hair products, but about so many things in my industry. This has truly been a great experience.


  1. Awwwweeee I'm glad you are having this tremendous experience at this moment! =] Love love the blog!

  2. Wow, incredible I am beyond happy for you. Love to read about your amazing experiences. Miss you bunches and am looking forward to hearing all about it when you return. Xoxo
