Thursday, September 15, 2011

I admit it’s been very hard to keep up on my blog since I’ve been home. It’s been a huge adjustment coming down from the adrenaline high of my trip and all the little projects it’s created. For example, I received an unexpected souvenir from my trip on my way back: a writer from HOT by Hair's How magazine contacted me to do a story about me. After long days at work, I’d come home to find phone or email messages asking for more information about my trip to write the article (you can read it at; thank you for taking the time to write about my trip!).

After catching up on all of my clients’ long overdue haircuts and grown-out colors, recounting my trip for the umpteenth time, and creating a new fan page for Scot Christopher Hair Design (which is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this week. Congrats Scot, and thank you for all of the support you have given me through the past several months! Love you to pieces!), I’m finally setting aside the time to write about the salons, classes, products and people I’ve experienced over the past several months and classes to come in the near future.

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